Safe parking programs are designed to provide a safe place for people sheltering in their vehicles to park. Safe parking programs offer several on-site services, including restrooms, handwashing stations, charging stations, and case management services.
Safe space to sleep overnight
Access to bathrooms
Sense of Community

Safe Parking Program Highlights
In 2009, Dreams for Change established the first congregate Safe Parking Program. This program serves as a prominent example of providing safe parking spaces for individuals and families experiencing homelessness and living in their vehicles. Currently, this model is being replicated in numerous cities across the country, contributing to the expansion of safe parking options for those in need.
Case Management
Each individual or household receives support to identify immediate and long-term needs in order to connect with appropriate resources.
Housing Navigation
Each participant will have access to housing information and resources to develop a housing plan. This may include the gathering of documentation and completing forms required for housing.
Access to Workforce Training
Each participant will have access to resources to find jobs and training programs.
Financial Literacy
Classes are accessible to participants seeking to improve their financial knowledge and skills. These classes provide valuable information on topics such as budgeting, credit management, and overcoming credit scores.